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Vibration diagnostics on marine diesel engines with IMES EPM-XPplus engine analyser


We are pleased to inform you that our well-proven engine analyser EPM-XPplus offers now the possibility of additional vibration measurements on engines. The vibration sensor was specifically developed by IMES. For application it will be electrically connected on one side to the hand-held device via a cable and on the other side via a magnetic holder to the injector or pump. The subsequent evaluation of the measured data will be processed by the EPM-XPplus visualisation software.

The vibration sensor as part of the engine analyser EPM-XPplus offers advanced diagnostic options for marine engines.

Besides the familiar functions of EPM-XPplus e.g., calculation of the mean indicated pressure (MIP), peak pressure (Pmax) or compression pressure (Pcomp) the vibration sensor records the point of lifting and landing of the injector needle as well as the beginning and ending of the fuel supply by the injection pump during cylinder pressure indication.

Vibration sensor magnetically installed on the injector

The experience in the performance analysis of marine engines shows, that the analysis of vibration diagrams, that have been recorded parallel to the indicator diagrams, delivers very good results.

Marine engineers can achieve the following results by using the EPM-XPplus device including vibration sensor:

- Phases of lifting and landing of the injector needle

- Beginning and ending of the circulation of the heated heavy fuel in the fuel system

- Phases of beginning of fuel supply and

of shutdown of the high-pressure pump

- Phases of closing and in some cases of opening of the gas distribution valves

The user will get all these information directly during operation with the vibration sensor. This method described above also fulfils the requirements of the marine classification societies regarding non-destructive application as th

ere is no need of mechanical intervention at the engine for installing of the vibration sensor.

The EPM-XPplus incl. vibration sensor and diagnostic software will be available from April 2022.

For any further information please feel free to contact us.

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